The second nuclear test of 25 May 2009 and the missiles firing that followed confirm North Korea's status as the ninth nuclear State. The reasons for this strategy of defiance towards the international community are as much a willingness to gain a strong position in the negotiations as the regime’s internal hidden dynamics. But this nuclear escalation imposed by North Korea is also a remarkable demonstration that the “deterrence” theories are failing and that the Security Council is helpless when it comes to reaching an agreement on a response to the challenges. Punitive measures, however, show their limits. Bringing Pyongyang to its senses can only be achieved through negotiation and a commitment of the international community towards a total a widely implemented nuclear disarmament such as foreseen by the NPT, which means seizing the opportunity offered by the unexpected relaunch of the Disarmament Conference, after twelve years of a deadlock.
Key words: North Korea, Pyongyang, nuclear, CTBT, NPT, proliferation, Conference on Disarmament.