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Al Qaïda in Islamic Maghreb
- Fact Sheet -

by Mehdi Mekdour, researcher at GRIP

25 August 2011


The threat posed by armed and terrorists groups on peace and security in West Africa deserves our utmost attention. This datasheet on Al Qaïda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) aims to provide information about the historical and ideological foundations of this movement linked to the ideology of the Salafism djihadist. It focuses on its modus operandi and its area of influence which is growing extensively in Sahel. The data sheet is also exploring its sources of funding connected to ransoms and all sorts of trafficking including arms trafficking. Finally, the most significant actions of this armed group are listed. This datasheet is part of a series of fact sheets on armed groups in West Africa.

Key words : AQIM, West Africa, Sahel, armed groups.
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