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 | Never before in the history of mankind have there been so many weapons in circulation. Automatic rifles, revolvers, machine guns, grenade launchers and so on. In all, nearly 500 million small arms and light weapons (SALW) are scattered in all four corners of the planet. There are some 100 million in Africa alone. The consequences are well-known. Some 90% of the victims of war, women and children for the most part, were killed by small arms fire. The over-supply of small arms has always had a negative impact on development, encouraging ever more violent crime and often connected with drug trafficking.
Stemming the flow of SALW and destroying illicit stocks are genuine challenges for the international community. Several initiatives are currently under way to tackle the proliferation of small arms, run by the United Nations, the European Union and several regions of Africa. GRIP is closely connected with most of these initiatives. Whether in New York, Brussels or in the heart of Africa, GRIP’s SALW expertise is widely recognised and highly regarded.
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Group for Research and Information on Peace and Security
Rue de la Consolation 70, B-1030 Bruxelles - Tel.: +32.2.2418420 - Fax :
Web : www.grip.org - Email : admi@grip.org
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