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Analyses 2006
22 December 2006 - DR Congo: The Challenges of the Third Republic (Pamphile Sebahara)

22 December 2006 - The role of military and security R&D in the new European "strategic objective": Some lessons from the United States (Luc Mampaey)

22 December 2006 - Riga 2006: Missed opportunity to tranform the Atlantic Alliance (Caroline Pailhe)

22 December 2006 - United States' foreign policy: Towards a change of direction? (Bernard Adam)

20 December 2006 - Work to combat the illegal brokerage of small arms and light weapons: An update (Holger Anders)

8 December 2006 - Development aid and conflicts before and after 9/11: Developing a tool to the benefit of the EU (Federico Santopinto)

17 November 2006 - The European Union's policy on small arms (Ilhan Berkol)

1 November 2006 - EU embargo on arms sales to China: The next step (Cédric Poitevin)

24 October 2006 - The EU Code of Conduct on arms exports: The current situation (Holger Anders)

1 October 2006 - Trade flows and controls of small arms ammunition transfers in Africa (Holger Anders)

October 2006 - Introducing the United Nations Firearms Protocol into EU regulation (Ilhan Berkol)

11 August 2006 - Disarming, demobilising and reintegrating combatants in DR Congo (Me Missak Kasongo, Pamphile Sebahara)

8 August 2006 - Israel – Palestine – Lebanon: The longest road to peace (caroline Pailhe)

19 July 2006 - The Conference assessing the United Nations Action Programme on Small Arms (26 June – 7 July 2006): Logical lack of results (Ilhan Berkol, Claudio Gramizzi)

14 July 2006 - Towards a review of the Convention on Inhumane Weapons? (Cédric Poitevin)

16 June 2006 - EADS and the financial aristocracy (Luc Mampaey)

29 May 2006 - A new arms law in Belgium (Ilhan Berkol)

May 2006 - Towards the setting up of Local Small Arms Committees in South Kivu (J-B. Safari Bagula)

17 March 2006 - Developments in terrorism in 2005: Statistical assessment (Rik Coolsaet, Teun Van de Voorde

13 March 2006 - Reform of the security sector in DR Congo (Pamphile Sebahara)

30 January 2006 - Cluster munitions: High stakes and inevitable development (Luc Mampaey)

26 January 2006 - Reform of the legitimate defence law in Italy: Towards a new Spaghetti Western? (Claudio Gramizzi)

19 January 2006 - Controlling the ban on chemical weapons: A stocktake (Cédric Poitevin)

17 January 2006 - Controlling the ban on biological weapons: A stocktake (Cédric Poitevin)


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