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The Biting the Bullet Project and GRIP
in co-operation with The Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs present ...

Wednesday, 16 June 2010
in Conference Room TNLB C
United Nations, NY
at 1:15 pm

Roy Isbister, Biting the Bullet
Cédric Poitevin, GRIP


Franck Meeussen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belgium
GRIP (Group for Research and Information on Peace and Security) and the Biting the Bullet Project (Saferworld and Bradford University) have each produced a report elaborating on the role of border controls as a central tools for effective implementation of the UN Programme on Action on the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons (SALW) in all its aspects. While adopting their own distinct approaches, both reports focus on priorities for developing integrated border management and for strengthening border control mechanisms, within the wider framework of preventing illicit trafficking in SALW.

The aim of this Side Meeting is to provide an opportunity for delegates and other interested parties to explore contributions that emerge during the BMS thematic discussions on the border control issue and further to encourage governmental action and inter-governmental co-operation in the development of effective border controls and integrated border management strategies.

Copies of both publications will be available at the presentation.

We hope that you will be available to attend this event and to take part into the exchanges that will follow the presentations.

Members of the Permanent Missions, Secretariat staff and representatives of non-governmental organizations with access to the United Nations are invited to attend.

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