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GRIP Analyses by Federico Santopinto
20 December 2011 - Understanding the EU after Libya... and the United Kingdom. Civil and military power (Federico Santopinto)

06 June 2011 - The EU control on arms trade. An emblematic case from Libya (Federico Santopinto)

28 March 2011 - France and the European Defence: Two Enigmas (Federico Santopinto)

14 September 2010 - Military capabilities without political capacities ? Why PESCO should not be too inclusive (Federico Santopinto)

13 November 2009 - “Operation Parabellum”: Investigation into arms trafficking at the highest levels of the Libyan State (Luc Mampaey and Federico Santopinto)

4 November 2009 - Lisbon Treaty and European defense Diplomatic Battle behind Permanent Structured Cooperation (Federico Santopinto)

10 February 2009 - What European unity after Gaza and Georgia? (Federico Santopinto)

17 October 2007 - Treaty reform: "Permanent Structured Cooperation" to better arm the EU (Federico Santopinto)

19 June 2007 - Why the EU needs an institutional reform of its external relations (Federico Santopinto)

27 February 2007 - Escalating UN sanctions against Iran: A stocktake (Federico Santopinto)

8 December 2006 - Development aid and conflicts before and after 9/11: Developing a tool to the benefit of the EU (Federico Santopinto)

12 December 2005 - La politique européenne de sécurité et de défense : enjeux et réalités (Federico Santopinto)

26 May 2005 - The Iranian nuclear crisis: An international challenge (Federico Santopinto)

17 February 2005 - A new spurt in transatlantic relations? The theory, the reality and... Iran (Bernard Adam, Federico Santopinto, Michel Wery)

5 August 2004 - The European Constitution and foreign policy: What progress? (Federico Santopinto)

14 November 2002 - An economic vision of political stability: Globalisation in the service of peace (Federico Santopinto)


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